Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen, Institut für Informatik


Dies sind die archivierten Webseiten der Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen (PMS). Die Seiten der Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmiersprachen und KI (PLAI) finden Sie auf https://www.plai.ifi.lmu.de.


Steffen Hausmann

Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Hausmann

Weitere Informationen

About Me

I'm a former doctoral student of the University of Munich, where I was engaged with research related to complex event processing and the supervision and teaching of students.

My research contributed to the European EMILI project, which investigated means towards dynamic emergency management in large public infrastructures. Based on the requirements of emergency management use-cases, elaborated in collaboration with international industry and emergency management experts, I designed and implemented an original event query language, that is in particular tailored towards composite interactions with physical actuators as they are desirable for dynamic emergency management.

My teaching duties included the preparation and conduction of tutorials lecture accompanying problem sessions for diploma, master, and bachelor students. Besides, I was also responsible for the organization, elaboration, and conduction of written exams.

Research Interests

  • Complex Event Processing and Distributed Event-based Systems
  • Event Driven Architecture
  • Reactivity in Event Processing
  • Declarative Languages and Declarative Programming








Teaching assistantship

  • Formale Sprachen und Komplexität (SoSe 2013)
  • Deklarative Sprachen I (WiSe 2010/11, WiSe 2011/12, WiSe 2012/13)
  • Programmierung und Modellierung (SoSe 2012)
  • Wissensrepräsentation und Schießen (WiSe 2011/12)
  • Logik und Diskrete Strukturen (SoSe 2011)
  • Logik für Informatiker (SoSe 2010)