Lehr- und Forschungseinheit für Programmier- und Modellierungssprachen, Institut für Informatik


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Klara Weiand

Dr. rer. nat. Klara Weiand

Weitere Informationen

This year's issue of Einsichten, LMU's research magazine, features an article about my research on querying semantic wikis. A German version of the article is also available.

A modified version of the article was published in Public Service Review: European Science and Technology - Issue 11.


About Me

I'm a recently graduated doctoral student and a member of the KiWi project. My work within the project is concerned with querying semantic wikis and the question how the seemingly conflicting properties of expressiveness and user-friendliness can be consolidated to yield a suitable query language for content, meta data, structure and annotations in social-semantic software. 

The main result of this research is KWQL, a keyword-based query language for the KiWi wiki, its visual rendering, visKWQL, and a scheme for approximate matching over graph-shaped data, term-propagation using eigenvector computation over structured data (PEST).

More generally, I'm interested in questions at the intersection of cognitive science and computer science. This includes the social-semantic web, information retrieval, human-computer interaction, language and speech processing, and cognitive modeling.

Showcases and Code

The prototype of the KiWi wiki includes implementations of KWQL and visKWQL. Queries can be created using the textual query interface or the combined visual and textural query editor which also includes a number of example queries.

Download PEST's source code and example data.

The "Not so Creepy Crawler" (NC2) is a pattern-based crawler generator that uses (XQuery or Xcerpt) XML queries to steer the crawling process and thus allows for highly customizable crawling using standard technologies. The showcase includes two use cases and and expert mode where users can upload their own queries.







  • Klara Weiand, Tim Furche and François Bry: Quo Vadis, Web Queries? Proc. Int'l. Workshop on Semantic Web Technology (Web4Web) 2008
  • Klara A. Weiand, Jos S. Bouten and Cor J. Veenman: Similarity Visualization for the Grouping of Forensic Speech Recordings. IWCF 2008: 169-180


  • Paola Escudero, Jelle Kastelein, Klara Weiand and Rob van Son: Formal modeling of L2 perceptual learning: Computational linguistics versus machine learning. - In: Proceedings of Interspeech 2007. Antwerpen.
  • Paola Escudero, Jelle Kastelein, Klara Weiand and Rob van Son: A longitudinal and computational study of how Spanish and Portuguese speakers acquire optimal perception of the Dutch vowel system. Fifth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech 2007, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
  • Paola Escudero, Ricardo Bion, Klara Weiand and Jelle Kastelein: The effect of first language and proficiency in the perception of Dutch vowels by Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking learners of Dutch. International Symposium on Bilingualism 2007, Hamburg.
  • Paola Escudero, Klara Weiand, Jelle Kastelein and Rob van Son: Explaining L2 perceptual development: Machine learning vs. computational Stochastic OT vs. human learners. International Symposium on Bilingualism 2007, Hamburg.
  • Klara Weiand: Implementing Escudero's model for the SUBSET problem. Rutgers Optimality Archive.


  • Paola Escudero, Klara Weiand and Ricardo Bion: The L2 perception of Dutch vowels by native speakers of Latin American Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese: Phonological and orthographic effects. 12th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, Nijmegen.
  • Klara Weiand: "Eigentlich" and "Allerdings". Semantics in the Netherlands 2006, Utrecht.



  • François Bry, Tim Furche and Klara Weiand: Web Queries: From a Web of Data to a Semantic Web. Tutorial at Int'l. Conf. on Web Information System Engineering (WISE), Poznan, Poland
  • Klara Weiand: Implementing Escudero’s model for the SUBSET problem. Landelijke Onderzoekschool, Taalwetenschap Summer School 2007, Leuven.
  • Klara Weiand: Explaining L2 perceptual development: Machine learning vs. computational Stochastic OT vs. human learners. Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalkwetenschap Summer School 2007, Leuven.

Supervised Diploma Theses

  • Franziska von dem Bussche: Not So Creepy Crawler - A Pattern-Based Crawler Generator Using Xcerpt
  • Andreas Hartl: A Visual Rendering of a Semantic Wiki Query Language
  • Steffen Hausmann: Architecting KWQL, a Query Language for Wikis
  • Georg Klein: Ranking for Social Semantic Networks
  • Fabian Kneißl: Term-Propagation over Structural Data as Eigenvector Computation